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Just Sit Tight and Let Me Tell You All About… “Cruella the Wise… AND Sometimes the Wicked!”

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Superwoman and Her Cape!

So… just what would you love to know about “Cruella the Wise?” I would guess that you’d want to know or like to think that she’s this sweet, nice, a give-in kinda person, take everything that is dealt to her with a smile and never check-up… RIGHT? WRONG… that would never be the true real me in a million years!

Who Really Has All of the Answers?

I also think I would guess that you all would like me to tell you all that since I’ve chosen to blog about some really sensitive topics — stepchildren, ex-wives, bonus moms, not to mentioned very strained and damaged relationships — that, in fact, I must be the very one who has all of the answers and that surely you should seek out no other person except me in that I can solve ALL of your woes! This, in fact, couldn’t be further from the truth!

In fact, I decided to blog about ALL of these scenarios as a strategy for healing — as a course or avenue of therapy to help ME not be BITTER forever. We all know who “BITTER” and her ugly fangs hurts — OURSELVES and it’s not healthy by far.

It All Started Something Like This…

Almost seven years ago now, there was a disagreement between myself and my dear husband’s daughters, which could have been repaired, I’m 100% positive of it… until their mother became involved and it went downhill from there which led to the rest of my husband’s family “chalking myself, as well as my son, off their family list!” It has been a hurt and hatred like no other I can assure you! To this day, the relationship is STILL completely severed with all of them! My son and I are not invited to any family gatherings where my husband’s family is concerned — no celebrationsNOTHING! I pray that one day there will indeed be some restoration; however, for now this is not the case… it is what it is!

Learning to Swallow Hard

My darling husband and I have been married for eight years and for the first couple of years I didn’t say anything to “rock the boat in terms of speaking up when I disagreed about something. BUT, inside my heart, I was watching two beautiful young ladies take complete advantage of their father and be indulged with no boundaries and were very disrespectful to their father. It became very obvious to me who was “running the show” and I can promise you that it wasn’t the parents in this case! For example, the very first time that I met my husband’s oldest daughter and he introduced me to her, she stated and I quote, “It’s nice to meet you today; however, I’ll never see you again so it really doesn’t matter…” I thought… should I slap her now or later? You’ll be glad to know that I was strong, took the high road — the road less traveled — and swallowed… swallowed hard too!

Just the Cold Hard Facts!

And the stories, moreover the lies, just continue from there, along with the manipulation, and many other additional scenarios that one could only believe if they were witness to the interactions — it was akin to a Lifetime movie! I was NOT invited to either daughter’s graduation; nor any other events pertaining to them — I attribute much of this to their mother — who is less than to be desired… and I’ll state this “straight up” — I will never sugarcoat any of these scenarios with you all — it is my goal to “BE REAL” because I know that I am not alone… so I’ll state that if your looking for the “gushiness;” you’ll not be able to find it here but I can and will offer you the COLD HARD FACTS that, most of the time, hurt to the core!

The Happy Middle…

Take delight and please join me on this journey together as this mom of FOUR BOYS seeks to find “the happy middle” and not allow two daughters and one bitter and jealous ex-wife reign superior in MY MARRIAGE and attempt to steal my joy! I shall not be moved!

Love to you all!


a.k.a. “Cruella the Wise… And Sometimes the Wicked!”